Dr. Neelam Misra
Ex Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist in Iran & UAE. (1985-1994)
Ex Senior Consultant Obst. & Gynae. & Gynaecological Endoscopist at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur, India (Since 1995)
Senior Secretary- FOGSI, Kanpur
Member- Indian Association Of Gynaecological Endoscopists.
Fellow of International Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy
Invited faculty to many International & National Conference & Workshops
Presented Large numbers of papers on Minimal Access Surgery in Gynaecology in various International & National Forums.
Organized numbers of Conferences/Workshops/CMEs
Dr Neelam Misra chaired a session in Effect of Metal Oestrogen in GESICON, 26th April 2014. She attended the World Congress of Gynaecology & Obstetrics at Rome, 9th – 12th Oct. 2013, and chaired a session in AIIMS “Primary Amenorrhea” in GESICON,2012. Gave a lecture on Laparoscopic Management in Ectopic Pregnancy at FOGSI Varanasi, 2012, also on “Management of Endometriosis in Infertility” at Updates in Infertility & Hands-on IUI at Lucknow on 10th – 11th Dec. 2011. She was a panellist in a session on Endometriosis in UPCON Agra, 18th Dec. 2011. Invited National Faculty at AICOG Hyderabad Lecture on Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy on Jan. 2011. Got honored by Indian Medical Association, Kanpur on Doctor’s day 1st July 2011. She was a panelist in a session of Pre Cautious Puberty Invited faculty AIIMS New Delhi and also on “Protecting human lives from biting cold and it’s after-effects” at IMAAMS, Kanpur Chapter program on 31 Jan. 2010.
She was in faculty at International Speaker Programme on “What matters in an HPV vaccine” Jan. 24, 2009, at New Delhi, faculty at LAPAROCON – 2009 at Rama Medical College, Kanpur 20th Dec. 2009. Invited faculty in CME cum workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery, delivered a talk on Laparoscopic Uterine Surgery 22 – 23rd Aug. 2009, BHU, Varanasi. She chaired a session on recent advances in ART & IVF at the IMACGP refresher course on 20th Jan. 2009. Dr. Misra was also invited as a faculty by ALL INDIA CONGRESS OF OBSTETRIC AND GYNAECOLOGY at Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 4th to 8th January 2009. She also participated in “FOGSIAN” Mind and Body Connect onboard the exciting Star Cruise, Singapore from 18th – 21st November 2008. She was the panelist for “Spiritual Values In Health Care Management” at the National Conference of Surgery and Meditation Retreat at Gyan Sarover, Mount Abu 25th – 29th September 2008. She was invited as a faculty at the Second Annual Conference of Delhi Gynaecological Endoscopists Society on April 25-27, 2008. She also organized “Kanpur Endosurgery” on 15th & 16th March 2008 at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur under the aegis of Association of Surgeons of India – UP Chapter and supported by FOGSI Kanpur & Kanpur Surgical Club, an interactive live laparoscopic surgery workshop on general surgery, urology & gynecology with a record attendance of more than 400 delegates and more than 20 renowned faculties from all over India and inaugurated by President of ASI Dr. A. A. Hai.
She presented a scientific paper on Laparoscopic Management of Post Hysterectomy Ovarian Masses at Hyderabad, 8th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA), 17th – 19th August 2007 and participated in the CME Programme on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Awareness organized by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur on 18th February 2007. Dr. Neelam Misra also chaired a session on “Role of Laparoscopy in Management of Fibroids in Infertility” at the Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists (IAGE) Annual Conference at Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, 28th-30th April 2006 and attended the World Congress of Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5th-10th November 2006. Dr. Neelam organized the workshop “Infertility” in UP Chapter of Obst & Gynae FOGSI, Kanpur, 24th November 2006. and Chaired a Session on “Role of Laparoscopy in Infertility” in Pre Congress Workshop at U.P. Chapter of Obst & Gynae FOGSI, Kanpur, 24th November 2006 and a Session on “Management of Andenomyosis” at XVIII Annual Conference of FOGSI U.P. Chapter, Kanpur, 24th-27th November 2006. She was a chairperson in Urogynaecological Workshop (International Congress & Live Operative Workshop) U.P.R.S 2006 at Govt. Kasturba Gandhi Hospital, Chennai, 16th – 19th June 2006. Dr. Neelam Misra was a panelist in “International debate on Maternal Mortality in Developing Countries” at 18th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aurangabad, January 6th – 9th 2005. Attended I.A.G.E Conference at Mumbai, 16th – 17th April 2005 and also attended URPS Conference at Govt. Kasturba Gandhi Hospital, Chennai 25th – 26th June 2005 and on 9th Regional Meeting of ISGE at Mumbai, 22nd – 25th September 2005.
Dr Neelam Misra organized a session on “Management of Menopause and its Problems” in IMA College of General Practitioners (IMACGP) State Level Refresher Course at GSVM Medical College Kanpur, 23rd – 30th November 2005 and also organized a workshop in IAP Kanpur branch Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies July 23rd 2000. Also Presented Scientific Paper on “Role of Laparoscopy in Chronic Lower Abdominal Pain” at 47th AICOG, Agra 6th – 9th January 2004, and also on “Laparoscopic Management of Large Dermoid Masses” at 7th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, National University of Singapore, 1st – 4th June 2000. She attended “Hysterectomy in the New Millennium” at Bombay Hospital Institue of Medical Sciences, Mumbai, 14th – 15th August 2004, and attended 3rg Indo – German Endoscopic workshop at Kanpur 18th – 19th November 2000.
She presented Scientific Paper on “Laparoscopic Management of Large Ovarian Masses” at 43rd FOGSI, Lucknow, 27th – 30th December 1999. She was a Chairperson in State Level Refresher Course of I.M.A College of General Practitioners Kanpur, Sub Faculty, 1997 and organized a Live “Workshop on LAVH at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur 17th January 1997. Attended 1st Indo – German workshop on Laparoscopic General Surgery and Gynaecology, Kanpur, February 24th – 26th 1997, attended a workshop on Intracorporeal suturing at 2nd Annual IAGES Congress at K.E.M. Hospital & Seth G.S. Medical College Mumbai, 19th – 21st November 1996 and also attended 39th FOGSI Workshop on Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy Kanpur 27th – 30th December 1995. She completed her diploma in Endoscopic Surgery from State Island University Hospital, USA.
Paper for publication:
1- Heterotopic Pregnancy a growing diagnostic challenge.
2- Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Cervicopexy.
3- How to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome a new indication for dopamine agonists.
4- Role of Laparoscopy in Chronic Lower Abdominal Pain.